2015年11月8日 星期日

繁體+EN_[五逆重罪與無間地獄]之精華視頻文摘 Essence video digest of [ Five major sins and Avici Hell ]

Essence video digest of [ Five major sins and Avici Hell ] 



In this flamboyant world, many people, because of the greed, ignorance or anger lost their true nature, and commit various sins. The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows has demonstrated to us, those sinners will fall into the hell to suffer incessantly.


The hell is situated inside the great Cakravada (ring of iron-enclosed mountains). There are eighteen major hells. Also, there are five hundred secondary ones with different designations, and there are, in addition, hundreds of thousands of lesser ones. One of these is the unique hell which is known as Avici.


The dreadful walls of the Avici Hell circumscribe more than eighty thousand miles, and are ten thousand miles high, and are made entirely of iron. Fiery flames shoot out of these walls covering them entirely from top to bottom and there are beds covering ten thousand miles. 


This hell is known as Avici is because it is conditioned by five factors.

第一是日日夜夜受罪受苦,以至累經劫數沒有一刻停止,所以叫做無間。 (時無間)

Firstly, the punishment is meted out day and night, kalpa after kalpa without a moment's interruption or reliefthus Avici. 

第二是一個人在地獄裡是滿的,多個人在地獄裡也是滿的,所以叫做無間。 (形無間)

Secondly, one person can fill it completely, and many people also can fill it completely, thus Avici.

第三是施罪用的器具,沒有不齊全的,罪人會被各式各樣大刑罰來折磨。這樣的大痛苦楚,在無數劫中相續連接沒有間斷,所以叫做無間。 (苦無間)

Thirdly, the devices used for the punishment are complete and exhaustive to carry out hideous tortures and punishments onto the sinners. This unimaginably horrible torture goes on and continues throughout years and kappas numbering in nayutas, thus Avici. 

第四是無論男女、種族、年齡、貴賤,或龍或神,或天或鬼,有了造罪行惡的業感,墮在地獄裡都是同樣的受苦,所以叫做無間。 (果報無間)

Fourthly, irrespective of whether these sinners are male or female, barbarian or civilised, whether young or old, noble or mean, whether nagas or gods, devas or ghosts, all will receive the retribution of sinful karma and fall into the Avici hell to receive the same tortures, thus Avici.

第五是如果墮在這地獄,從剛進入時直到百千劫,每日每夜都要經過幾萬回的死,幾萬回的複生,就算是想要極短時間的暫停,也不可能。直到業報窮盡了,才能轉生到其它地方。這樣反覆生死連綿受罪,所以叫做無間。 (命無間)

Fifthly, if a person falls into this hell, from the time of his initial entrance unto hundreds of thousands of future kalpas,  he will die myriads of times each day and each night, and be revived myriads of times, no relief or rest whatsoever from his suffering and torture, even for one instant, only with the exhaustion of his sinful karma will finally be able to gain rebirth. Owing to such continuity of suffering and torture this hell is, therefore, known as Avici. 


Why are they so miserable ? Why do they receive such tortures ? Why can't they escape even if they die ? Why… Why… Why… Should they fall into Avici hell? 


They once were human being, because they have committed sins, they fall into the hell after death, for the sentient being living in our world. There are five types of sins will lead to the Avici hell.

第一罪 First sin


Should someoneshould fail to fulfil his filial duty toward his parents or fail to fulfill his duty toward kill or harm them, he will fall into Avici Hell, where he will remain for thousands of myriads of millions of kappas without a date for release.

第二罪 Second sin


If someone should shed the blood of a Buddha, destroy or ridicule the Three Jewels or fail to respect the sutras, he will fall into Avici Hell, where he will remain for thousands of myriads of millions of kalpas and never return.

第三罪 Third sin


If someone should encroach upon or damage the property of some Buddhist establishment, slander bhiksus or bhiksunis indulge his carnal lust in a sangharam, or kill or harm others, he or she will fall into Avici Hell where he will remain for thousands of myriads of millions of kalpas and never return.

第四罪 Fourth sin


If someone should pretend to be a sramana yet actually is not one at heart, violates the rules of the establishment, abuses the establishment, cheats the laity who does not understand real Buddhism, violates the precepts for the Sangha, such a person will fall into Avici Hell where he will remain for thousands of myriads of millions of kalpas and never return.

第五罪 Fifth sin


If someone should steal from the establishment any property at all-grain, rice, other food or clothing, or any kind of article whatsoever without permission, but were taken by this person, he or she will fall into Avici Hell, and remain there for thousands of myriads of millions of kalpas without a date for release.


Anyone committing such five major sins, will certainly fall into Avicil Hell, where he or she will suffer incessantly without remission for even one instant. 

May all sentient being never commit such sins.


Really appreciate to all people who helped to make the original movie !

致以最好的祝福 Best Wishes
2014.12.11 完成依視頻字幕打字  2015.11.08 更新排版和彙編
2014.12.11 finish typing text that following video  2015.11.08 update typesetting and compilation
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